Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire (PAW) - Chronic Pain Clinic 

Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire (PAW) is a dedicated veterinary acupuncture service on the Wiltshire / Hampshire border providing acupuncture for dogs, cats and rabbits in a relaxed home environment based in Winterslow.

Chronic Pain Clinic

I take referrals for Chronic Pain Management, which will take a holistic approach to assessing and managing your pet’s pain.
This clinic is suitable for any pet that is showing symptoms of overt pain or behavioural changes potentially caused by pain, which you would like assessed and a management plan advised to optimise your pet’s wellbeing and happiness.
Typical cases that will benefit are pet’s with:

  • Muscle pain / Myofascial pain
  • Joint pain such as hip and elbow dysplasia or osteoarthritis
  • Spinal pain such as Intervertebral disc disease (IVVD)
  • Elderly patients with mobility issues

The management plan is likely to incorporate multiple components:

  • Revision of medication / nutraceuticals
  • Acupuncture treatments
  • Suggestions for weight / exercise management and optimisation of your pet’s environment

and may also recommend onward referral for other complimentary therapies such as Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy and Herbal Medicine.