Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire (PAW) - Testimonials 

Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire (PAW) is a dedicated veterinary acupuncture service on the Wiltshire / Hampshire border providing acupuncture for dogs, cats and rabbits in a relaxed home environment based in Winterslow.

Ellie - 5 year old Labrador


We brought our 5 year old Labrador to see Lu for some acupuncture.

Ellie was a rescue to us 3 years ago, but has had some joint and mobility issues that we’ve been working on.

However we were keen to try acupuncture knowing how valuable it can be to a dogs general well-being as well. But we were reluctant as Ellie can be worried by things easily and can then get very busy and unsettled.

But we knew Lu would be the right person to go to and we weren’t wrong. Lu took the time and didn’t rush things. She allowed Ellie to get used to the surrounds and settle before she even examined her.

She allowed Ellie to say hello and interacted with her so that Ellie felt at ease. The whole time Ellie was 100% relaxed and happy and was not at all concerned by the needles or any part of the treatment. I cannot recommend Lu at Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire enough.



We visited Lu at Pet Acupuncture Wiltshire with our cat Saffie.

Saffie was an RSPCA rescue so no background information is known, however she has IBD and has often chronic constipation and flare ups.

Having seen that Pet Acupuncture has opened we thought we’d give this a go as well to see if it would help.

We visited Lu who was just amazing! So calm and such a natural infinity with animals. Saffie is often aloof with people she doesn’t know, but with Lu she was immediately happy and relaxed and this speaks volumes to how caring Lu is. Lu worked within Saffie’s limits and allowed Saffie to settle and didn’t rush her.

Saffie settled down whilst having the acupuncture too, which we didn’t think would happen! Following the treatment Saffie is 100 times better! She is more alert and active, she’s chatty and more interactive. She looks brighter and her coat is so much more improved and her symptoms have all improved. Highly recommend Lu, she is a miracle worker!